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attractive force meaning in Hindi

attractive force sentence in Hindi

आकर्षी बल
attractive    प्रलोभक मनभावन
force    गुण जोर ताकत ताक़त
1.:Of course this will depend on how you model your attractive forces.

2.For other experimental systems, attractive forces could however play a larger role.

3.It explores difficult problems of motions perturbed by multiple attractive forces.

4.The negative sign indicates that the force is an attractive force.

5.Propositions 70 84 deal with the attractive forces of spherical bodies.

6.If there were no attractive forces between molecules, would there be no flight?

7.The atoms in metals have a strong attractive force between them.

8.And q3 is falling because of the attractive force of q1 and q3.

9.At primary minimum, attractive forces overpower the repulsive forces at low molecular distances.

10.The attractive forces between polyethylene chains arise from weak van der Waals forces.

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the force by which one object attracts another
Synonyms: attraction,

How to say attractive force in Hindi and what is the meaning of attractive force in Hindi? attractive force Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.